Beautiful JIM KEY - A HORSE & A MAN Who Changed The World!



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Beautiful Jim Key
Dr. William Key
Mim Eichler Rivas



Beautiful Jim Key - Educated Horse

A mixed-breed Hambletonian and Arabian horse that lived from 1889 to 1912.  His sire was Tennessee Volunteer (Hambletonian) and his mare was Lauretta (Arabian).  He was uncommonly skilled in many ways.

Dr. William Key intended to breed the fastest racehorse possible when he chose the two breeds.  The resulting colt was a huge disappointment when at birth and for weeks thereafter the "spindle-legged" colt could not even stand.  However, the colt soon demonstrated an aptitude that pleasantly surprised the Key family. 

Jim started by stealing apples and hiding the fact by closing the desk drawer.  He soon was letting himself out of the gate and even insisting on staying in the house with William Key.  Through kindness and patience, William was able to teach Jim a number of tricks and used him to help drum up an audience for his medicine show.

When Albert Rogers saw the horse perform, he realized there was significant potential for a nationwide tour showing off the educated horse and the former slave who was training him.

Dr. Williams Key, Albert Rogers, Monk (the dog) and Beautiful Jim Key formed a team that for nine years was the hottest attraction in the United States. Beautiful Jim Key exhibited inexplicable abilities to read, write, spell, do mathematics, tell time, sort mail, cite biblical passages and debate politics.  He even predicted the future when he identified Alice Roosevelt and added the name Longworth to her name two years before her marriage to Nicholas Longworth.

Beautiful Jim Key was a most unusual horse!

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